Photos Taken & Treasured


Me & My Existence | Words & Thoughts Withheld | Photos Taken & Treasured | Guestbook | Correspondence By Writing | Favorite Links | Research Paper Proposal | Legal Maxims | Words Said & Remembered | Guide for Investors | Essay | 2003 National Budget | The CFA Exam | Investment And Finance | The World of Politics

Whether a want be general, or whether it be special, it is reduced to the degree of necessity - The Mejelle, Art. 32

The Personal Site of Ackim



That's Hareez with me there!



Ok, let us see... I will be adding some pictures in this site given a chance to get my hands on some. Tell you what? There is more where these came from, haha. I just hope next time it won't be so tough uploading them from diskettes. Happy viewing!