Thank you very much for visiting my site. I know there is nothing much interesting to behold here, but hopefully when you are done, you will be able to learn more about me, my likes and the likes.
I always find it difficult to start up something. And this in particular, is no exception to the rule, what say you? I remember my secondary school English teacher used to encourage creativity through essay writings. He could ask us, for instance, to produce between 250 - 300 words about "My Pen". That indeed was something, but "startups" are not always hassle-free case mine.
So, what do we have here? Al right, let me make it easy for you... I am a Zambian by nationality, male aged 29. I have loving parents whom I adore very, very much. Hmm, life couldn't be better! I have 2 elder brothers, a younger brother and 2 younger sisters. The younger brother and younger sisters following me are twins. That makes the 6 of us in the family.
I did my early part of education in Lundazi, eastern part of Zambia. Check out my country's flag and map herewith enclosed. The map shows Zambia's national parks and game areas. If you follow the link provided, you will be able to view other maps of interest, such as provinces, major cities and towns, lakes, rivers, etc. I came to Malaysia for further studies in 1996.
Well, I am not so sure what motivated me to create this site, but I guess, it is easier describing myself in a public forum where the net is concerned just by providing my URL address. I am so and so, for more information check out my site at... sounds pretty easy to me, wouldn't you say? Anyway, this was also as a result of a question from a friend for my resume. Whatever the case, I feel that I can properly organize my thoughts, ambitions, through the site. Besides, since I have never owned a diary before, this site pretty well serves as an avenue towards time management, a very important tool in achieving desired goals, here me say.
How about serendipity? Oh yes, a discovery by accident of things one is not in search of... you tell me, but it is very possible that this is not exactly what I was looking for. I am talking about a possibility here; I am not saying it is. Anyhow, it all boils down to wysiwyg - what you see is what you get. Enjoy your ride ;-)